By Nicole Pokorney In 1983, Howard Gardner introduced the theory of multiple intelligences in his book, Frames of Mind . Naturalistic Intelligence was the eighth and most recent intelligence added to the list in 1999. In her article, The Eighth Intelligence – Naturalistic Intelligence , Leslie Owen Wilson describes individuals with "Nature Smart" as having the following characteristics, plus more: Sensing patterns in nature Often like to collect, classify, or read about things from nature Interest in animal species and behaviors Having a connection to the outdoors At the University of Minnesota Extension Center for Youth Devleopment’s Community of Practice for Outdoor Professionals , we were recently discussing the importance of identifying the social inequities and barriers that underrepresented youth face in having a connection to the outdoors. In his book, The Adventure Gap , James Edward Mills states: There is a link between recreating in the outdoors and wanting to pro
Our youth development educators bridge research and practice. In this blog, they offer their views on what's happening in the field of youth development, with an eye to evidence-based research written by themselves and others in our field. We welcome your comments.